Thursday, October 30, 2008


My Mom came to visit. She left yesterday. Les Boi, Boise, the city where the sun just keeps on shining. It was so unbelievably nice to be in her presence. Yes, being fed was great. And yes, when my car decided to die as soon as she arrived it was quite convenient to rent a car. But, I could have starved and walked miles and still I would be so extremely appreciative of her presence and love.

The highlight was McCall. A three hour drive so beautiful it feels like twenty minutes. We stayed at a gorgeous lodge that looked like it should cost three times as much. We drove through the national forest. But mostly, we sat and looked at the lake, drinking tequila, and feeling like the princesses we really are. (and I beat her in pool numerous times)

The rest of the time was spent sleeping in. For the first time in months I actually remembered my dreams. And boy were they crazy! We drank coffee, ate banana bread and chocolate squares, and never left the house before eleven. We wandered, and ate, and wandered, and drank, and then ate again. We sang songs and went shopping. We cried. And laughed. And sang again.

I miss her already.

It was an adventure. One that will help me get by while simultaneously making me homesick. The purpose was to help me last until march, but after the first day I knew it would be harder than I thought. So, alone I sit once again. But now with renewed love in my heart, and chocolate squares in my tummy :)

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