Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Day 16: Churning

I can't make my lips vibrate like a horse. I've been trying all trip. I might give up soon. Andrea says if I don't believe I can, then I never will. But I really can't. hmmmph.

I got a tattoo today, and the pain was nowhere near the pain I felt last night when my stomach was churning inside itself. By far the worst stomach pain I have ever felt, and I know stomach pain. The cause? No idea. Probably an overdose of dairy, luckily this OD didn't kill me. The good news? I made it back to Paulo's house while his Mom was still awake. She made me tea and toast (which comes as toast in a bag) and her motherly concern. When I woke up the pain had spread to my chest, nothing some stretches and papaya couldn't calm.

(Don't worry Mom, I'll be fine, and the tattoo shop was very sanitary and they explained the procedure very well)

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