Monday, March 3, 2008

Heat in Tola

Kayla´s family's bday present to me is a lesson on the bike. So after the sun cools down we head to the nearby baseball/soccer field. The field is covered with high school and older boys kickin balls, hangin out, outside of the fence green surrounds, as usual, and mountains in the distance. I cannot help but feel, yet again, overcome with joy, so extremely fortunate.

Earlier in the day, in search of internet Kayla led us to a school, kids anywhere between the ages of 5-14 surrounded. We stuck out like a sore thumb, the uniforms didn't help. The internet we used was in a large room with 20 computers and 30 students. There we sat, as I read birthday emails and jealous inquiries, receiving stares, pokes, and strange comments. But these emails reminded me of the grey coldness of home. A beauty sometimes more difficult to see.

The heat today was almost suffocating. We eat and then lay down, watching tv or reading by the fan. Then we eat again. It´s really all one can do in this heat. So when the power went out and we ventured outside Dad decided it was time to teach the silly white girls how to drive a motorcycle.

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