Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Day 37: Recovery, recuperation, rebirth

I am high. Floating over Guanajuato with a twinkle in my eye and a glowing smile. I feel reborn. After a horrible stomach infection that gave me chills, fever, hallucination, fainting spells, and all the nasty things I don't need to mention, I feel me again. Saturday I didn't think I'd walk again, I felt my soul being drained of all things natural and beautiful. It's amazing how a fresh start can make you mentally, physically, and spiritually renewed.

I am just so happy. Everyone I meet and interact with is beautiful in their own right. Living at the Bar for a week introduced me to an amazing community within this beautiful city. People with energy, and souls that shine. Yes, the exhaustion and hangovers were at times overwhelming, but the floor of cigarette butts and bar smell kind of grows on you. Within one block we had everything we needed: food, family, shelter, Internet, beer, sunshine, and hugs. ¿What more is necessary? ¿Really really necessary? Nothing.

So now I am back in school. My mind is working again. I'm finally learning past tense so I can stop saying sentences like, "Yesterday, I go to Queretaro and am sick." hahaha. Everyone in my classes seems much more fluent than me, but most of the time I am just distracted by my hot teacher. I am staying in a hostel by myself and it feels good to be independent, especially with a bed. I am planning on being here until Friday, but i may stay forever.

However, I hear the seasons are changing back home, the leaves to yellow, burnt orange, red, brown, gone. And it saddens me deep in my soul to know I will miss this organic change yet again. Memories of car rides out to camp with wide eyes and deep breaths rush through me and I yearn for a harvest dinner, to walk through the woods and kick leaves, to hug my mom.

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